Can you take portrait photography during Covid-19?
Outdoor, socially distanced portrait photography is entirely possible during the current Covid-19 government restrictions. Providing a two metre distance is maintained, working outdoors is entirely safe.
Even during normal times, outdoor shoots are a preferable option for children of a certain age. With plenty of space to roam and run around. Once they get use to a photographer’s presence or just forget they are there, children are unhindered and will be themselves, allowing the photography to capture their real essence.
Make the most of the last of the summer season with an outdoor photoshoot. In the event of inclement weather, we can simply re-schedule to a mutually convenient time. So even the British inconsistent climate cannot put a damper on your photographic plans. Once the restrictions are lifted the option to shoot indoors can be selected rather then re-schedule.
All portraits sessions have an choice of location from home garden to favourite park, forest walk or beach. It helps to choose somewhere exciting or familiar to young children to help distract of put them at ease. Parents are of course welcome to be included in the shoot, as are any household members within your coronavirus ‘bubble’.
My style of shooting portraits is very relaxed, with little instruction, allowing everyone to just have fun whilst I capture some wonderful moments. My session fee is £125, then you have the option to purchase prints or digital images. Further information can be obtained on my page, children photography. Alternatively please contact me, to arrange a session or to ask any further questions.