Here is a selection of photographs I took at the tepee wedding of Alice and Daniel on Saturday 13th June 2015. The bridal preparations took place at her parents home in the Vale of Glamorgan, before she made her way in a classic Citreon DS to the marriage ceremony at the Nash Point Lighthouse. The room where the bride and groom exchange nuptials is near the top of the ligthhouse and can only hold a few people so it was plenty much just immediate family present. However after some quick refreshment in one of the hired cottages, the wedding party made their way back to Alice’s parent’s home where their had borrowed an adjacent field from a agreeable farmer to erect a giant tepee. Here other guests arrived in time to welcome the newly married couple with some confetti and good wishes, after which the wedding breakfast took place followed by the evening reception.

As a wedding photographer’s blog in the United Kingdom I kind of feel obligated to mention the weather conditions of the day, which was rather wet with either rain or light drizzle present for most of the time, but as with all good weddings the weather never really dampened the atmosphere.


wedding details bride getting ready bride getting ready bride getting ready bride getting ready bride getting ready bridesmaid in red dress bride getting ready bride getting ready bride getting ready nash point light house wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse wedding ceremony at nash point lighthouse classi citreon ds at wedding tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales tepee wedding in south wales danicng tepee wedding in south wales danicng tepee wedding in south wales danicng tepee wedding in south wales danicng tepee wedding in south wales danicng tepee wedding in south wales danicng tepee wedding in south wales